• The Core concept of the Digital Education & Skills Council (DESC) was incorporated by Shri Roop Kumar Sharma, Advocate Rashmi Gupta, Advocate Arman R Sharma, Advocate Shimpy A Sharma & Educationist Dr M Gupta with host of other International and National level dignitaries involved in Community and Sustainable Development (SDG 2030) efforts since decades.
  • The Council commenced its activities  partnered with several change-makers across the World through active participation in community welfare programs, organising theme oriented Global Summits and activities necessitated to bring in the desired change.
  • Lots of possibilities and actions have been dwelled upon to conceptualise ideas and framework in order to emerge and act as a think tank across the World in the Public Private Partnership Models with the Governments and Corporate entities to achieve & implement the much needed Sustainable development Goals and Environment Resilience across the Globe.

  • DESC also supports and aligns into Strategic Global and National Partnerships with entities involved in the fields of Education, Skill development, Sustainability, Water resource Management & Conservation, Renewable energy, Climate & Environment protection, Sports & allied skill development, Information technology & Cyber domain, Adventure tourism and several other fields of specialisation to achieve meaningful results.

  • The untiring efforts have been dwelled upon to conceptualise identifiable themes and material for preparation of Digital Magazines and several Global summits on “Hunger mitigation”, “Climate Resilience”, “Disaster Responses & Training”, “Education reforms – both National and Global” and others having a deep impact over our Sustained living and a brighter future. With this Maturity and experience, the “DIGITAL EDUCATION & SKILLS COUNCIL (DESC)”, was incorporated under section-8 of the Government of India on 26 December 2022.

Our Core Values

Accountability & Transparency
Innovation & Research
Teamwork & Excellence
Secular & Non-Political
Dedication & Commitment

Greetings from DESC World 👋

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