- The Core concept of the Digital Education & Skills Council (DESC) was incorporated by Shri Roop Kumar Sharma, Advocate Rashmi Gupta, Advocate Arman R Sharma, Advocate Shimpy A Sharma & Educationist Dr M Gupta with host of other International and National level dignitaries involved in Community and Sustainable Development (SDG 2030) efforts since decades.
- The Council commenced its activities partnered with several change-makers across the World through active participation in community welfare programs, organising theme oriented Global Summits and activities necessitated to bring in the desired change.
Lots of possibilities and actions have been dwelled upon to conceptualise ideas and framework in order to emerge and act as a think tank across the World in the Public Private Partnership Models with the Governments and Corporate entities to achieve & implement the much needed Sustainable development Goals and Environment Resilience across the Globe.
DESC also supports and aligns into Strategic Global and National Partnerships with entities involved in the fields of Education, Skill development, Sustainability, Water resource Management & Conservation, Renewable energy, Climate & Environment protection, Sports & allied skill development, Information technology & Cyber domain, Adventure tourism and several other fields of specialisation to achieve meaningful results.
The untiring efforts have been dwelled upon to conceptualise identifiable themes and material for preparation of Digital Magazines and several Global summits on “Hunger mitigation”, “Climate Resilience”, “Disaster Responses & Training”, “Education reforms – both National and Global” and others having a deep impact over our Sustained living and a brighter future. With this Maturity and experience, the “DIGITAL EDUCATION & SKILLS COUNCIL (DESC)”, was incorporated under section-8 of the Government of India on 26 December 2022.
Our Core Values

Accountability & Transparency

Innovation & Research


Teamwork & Excellence

Secular & Non-Political