To promote and advance the adoption of Digital Education and Skills across all levels of society, from individuals to businesses and institutions. This includes providing access to high-quality digital resources, training and support to enable individuals and organisations to develop the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Our vision is to transform into a society where everyone has access to the Digital Education and Life sustaining skills required to thrive in the 21st century. This includes promoting digital literacy and fluency, supporting the development of digital skills in the workforce, and providing access to innovative digital resources and tools to enhance learning and creativity.
–Education : Gender transformative Education, Education financing, Digital literacy and Education with specific focus on rural and marginalised sector, Gender responsive budgeting and budget analysis, Inclusive Education, Education in fragile contexts, Early childhood development, Teacher & Staff Education, Innovation and Research for advancement of Education and facility development, Activity based learning, Digital and Affiliate marketing,
–Information Technology and AI : For Self Sustainability, survivability and Sustenance, Digital implementation and its future processes, Cyber threat analysis and Mitigation, Digital India and Skilled India mission.
–Legal System : Its practice and Knowledge, White Collar crime and prevention of Malpractices, Law enforcement, Border and Menace Management, Rights management.
–Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Management : Themes and programs so designed to enable gain first hand exposure from the best in the Global Industry also includes Aviation, Geo Political and Skill development, Research innovation, Cross-cultural communication, collaboration, & leadership to facilitate cooperation and collaboration among diverse stakeholders.
–Sustainability : Disaster Management and Mitigation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Governance, Environment Conservation and Climate resilience themes, Climate/Environmental sustainability, drivers, measures and technology to bring in the change, Climate financing, Knowledge of Environmental science and Sustainability, as well as practical skills for reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices.
–Skill Development : Sports, arts, culture, Tourism, Adventure, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in line with the latest policies on the subject globally, supply chain with procurement, logistics, export import, documentation, banking, and process management. Change management through Digitalisation, automation, with green environment or SCM 4.0, logistics policy, ‘Green technologies’ ‘in Education and Skills management including Award & Management of associated accreditations.
–Mentoring : Financial Budget preparation & Audits, public speaking, Art of presentation, Interview Skills, Media management and proliferation,
–Medical rehab, protection, guidance and Life saving Skills
-Sanatan Dharma and the Vedic connect,
Our Constitution
Core Values

Skill Verticals
Key Focus Areas

Digital Education and Skills Council (DESC) strives to initiate an imperative revolution within the educational system, emphasizing the substantial development of skills for a sustainable world. Our main aim is to harmonize with the Indian Government’s New Education Policy, Digital India initiatives, and Skill India mission, simultaneously dispersing the most recent technological progressions in education and associated skills worldwide.
The exceptional initiatives and programs conducted by our council and its esteemed members contribute to the daily expansion of our Social Media presence.. If you wish to join us, kindly visit the below links –
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