DESC Management : Notice and Agenda for the GBM on 21 May 23

DESC Management : Notice and Agenda for the GBM on 21 May 23

OIG (2)

Digital Education and Skills Council (DESC) is excited to announce our upcoming Global Board Meeting (GBM) to be held on Sunday, 21st May ’23, online via Zoom. This meeting will serve as a platform to discuss and shape the future of digital education and skill development. Join us for a day filled with insightful discussions and valuable collaborations! 💻🌟

📋 Agenda Points for the GBM 📋

1️⃣ Welcoming New Members: We will begin the meeting by extending a warm welcome to our new members. This will be an opportunity for them to introduce themselves, share their expertise, and become an integral part of DESC’s global network.

2️⃣ Executive Council Announcement: We will officially announce the Executive Council, comprising the National President, Vice President, General Secretary, along with Regional Presidents and their respective teams. These esteemed individuals will lead DESC’s initiatives and drive our mission forward.

3️⃣ Future Plans and Collaborations: We will present and discuss the future plans of DESC, including ongoing and potential collaborations in the field of digital education and skill development. This session will highlight our strategic vision and outline the key partnerships that will help us achieve our goals.

4️⃣ Discussion on Medical Surveillance: We will engage in a small discussion on the role of the education sector, educators, and children in addressing the issue of medical surveillance. We will explore the challenges and opportunities in this domain and outline potential steps to address this important issue.

5️⃣ Research and Publication Wing Implementation: The Research and Publication Wing of DESC will be introduced, along with its implementation strategy. We will discuss the partnerships and collaborations established thus far, and chart a path for impactful research and knowledge dissemination.

6️⃣ TPMS Model for Education System: We will present the Training Psychology Meditation and Sustainability (TPMS) model for the education system. This model aims to integrate sustainability practices into education and explore the psychological aspects of training. We will discuss its implementation and seek inputs from members.

7️⃣ Online Mentorship Webinars and Workshops: DESC, in collaboration with the SmartGaon Foundation, will launch online mentorship webinars, workshops, and guest lectures. We will share the tentative schedule, along with the esteemed members who will be conducting these sessions. Volunteers can contribute their topic suggestions and availability through the WhatsApp group.

8️⃣ ThriveDx Partnership: A brief overview of ThriveDx, its offerings in foreign courses, and its future association with DESC will be provided. We will explore the potential synergies and benefits of this partnership in advancing digital education and skill development.

9️⃣ Educational Partnership with CompTIA: We will discuss our educational partnership with CompTIA, aimed at offering deeply discounted courses on cybersecurity, networking, and other certification programs. Members will have the opportunity to introduce experts, institutes, and agencies to undertake these certifications jointly with us on a revenue-sharing model.

🔟 Future Plans and Responsibilities: Each council member will share their future plans and responsibilities towards the expansion of DESC and their respective chapters. This will ensure a collaborative approach in driving our mission at a global and regional level.

📢 Important Information for Members 📢

Additionally, we will inform members about the resolution passed by the Board of Directors regarding the authorized share capital of DESC. This update will provide transparency and keep our members informed about the organization’s financial decisions.

We look forward to an enriching GBM that will set the stage for transformative advancements in digital education and skill development. Together, let’s shape a brighter future!

    Greetings from DESC World 👋

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