Leadership rules during and aftermath of pandemic times

Leadership rules during and aftermath of pandemic times


As a response to the mail which I received from Abhigyan Chand Linkedin India News Editor to provide a response on the Black Swan event faced by Entrepreneurs during the pandemic. My observations and suggestions are as follows. Let’s get to some basics which we keep talking about over and over but these are now on top of the list and cannot be ignored

– Belief in your people We generally have this interrogating streak in us which puts our staff off, if u start believing in your ppl they will believe you first to be loyal to your staff and then expect loyalty from them mostly we do the reverse.

-Time management/Focus Management is very critical u can’t afford misplaced priorities below 5D’S Will help to an extent

5D’s of Focus Management

1. Drop – Things that are not urgent and not important, and are the time-wasters

2. Defer – Things that are deceptions and are not important

3. Delegate – Things which the next line is competent to do

4. Do – Things that are urgent and important and are necessities

5. Develop – Develop the next level of leadership.

-Third and most critical as a leader during these testing times. How good are you at “holding space” as a leader? Under the new normal circumstances after covid-19.

When you hold space for those around you, you’ll discover that:

-People feel seen, heard, and respected when you truly listen to them

-You understand much more when you allow others to share

– You have a better understanding of how you can support.

-People will value your #leadership even more

Greetings from DESC World 👋

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1 Comment

  1. Dr Mukul Gupta Dr Mukul Gupta says:

    So true. The 5’D’s for life. Deliver is another D i believe in.

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